15% Off Argon Ghost PRO Coupon Code

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Save 15% Off Argon Ghost PRO Coupon Code.

Argon Ghost PRO is a fully coded Ghost theme built with our very own Argon Design System. Get ready to let your users enjoy this beautifully coded Ghost magazine theme. We have created what we think is one of the most aesthetically pleasing Ghost themes.

CreativeTim Coupon [Creative Code SRL]


Argon Ghost PRO uses a simple templating language called [Handlebars](http://handlebarsjs.com/)  for its themes. We recommend going over at https://ghost.org/docs/api/handlebars-themes/ for more information regarding the theme and how to develop a Ghost theme.


The screens are carefully created and inspired by our design line called Argon Design System. You can never go wrong with the amount of attention we’re willing to invest in crafting the most useful and aesthetically appealing Ghost theme.

View all pages [here](https://argon-ghost-pro.creative-tim.com).


Argon Ghost Pro comes packed with a large number of features. Putting together a page has never been easier. From HTML insertion to bookmarks and responsive styling, you can easily create and build your blog posts. We have created multiple options for you to put together and customize into pixel-perfect pages.

View all sections [here](https://argon-ghost-pro.creative-tim.com/style-guide).

Get 15% Off Argon Ghost PRO Discount Code.

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